
The First Newsletter Issue!
Lisa Karen
Personal Development
We are starting a newsletter focused on resources, inspiration, and help for people with Dyslexia with the intention to educate, uplift, and instill confidence!  Newsletter page 1 Newsletter page 2
A Message to Those Who Hate
Lisa Karen
Personal Development
It is not ok to hate. You should have learned this simple concept by the age of five (at the least), but apparently it bares repeating. It feels like there is more hate in the world these past few years. People who have hatred towards other groups of people, feel more empowered to be more vocal about it. For those who hate, I ask you to soften your...
My Experience with Planned Parenthood
Lisa Karen
For those of you that are pro life/anti-abortion, you are going to love this article because it is about preventing abortions. I feel it is important with any topic to have a wide view with an open heart rather than a narrow view with an angry heart. First let me start from the beginning. I was 16 when I first went to Planned Parenthood. I was not
When You Are Afraid to Follow Your Dreams
When You Are Afraid to Follow Your Dreams
Lisa Karen
Personal Development
As I am working on a new adventure fear keeps bringing me to the point of wanting to quit. I mean paralyzing fear, sometimes terror, and thoughts of "what on earth am I thinking…I can't do this…people will think I'm crazy". I then realized that I have two choices; I can either try and fail or succeed, or not try at all. It is much worse to not try ...
No Matter What, We Are Not Divided
Lisa Karen
Personal Development
It is ok to think differently than another. We cannot all be the same, or think the same. However, we do not have to choose to fight against one another. We do not have to be angry because someone else thinks differently, looks differently, or lives differently. You can be a Democrat and still treat a republican with respect, and vice versa. We sil...
What If Men Menstruated?
What If Men Menstruated?
Lisa Karen
Funny Stuff
I'm not sure why my odd (yet brilliant) brain decided to even think about this in the first place. I think it stemmed from the fact that things are not very fair when looking at annoying things we have to deal with in life due to our sex. I mean, think about it. Women have to grow breasts, menstruate on a monthly basis, be pregnant for 10 months (I...
Why You Should Love Your Beautiful Self
Why You Should Love Your Beautiful Self
Lisa Karen
Personal Development
I don't believe we were put on this earth to be miserable. I believe we are here to learn, grow, and find the path to experience joy. However, we often end up on a path that can be self-destructive, negative, and harmful to ourselves in one way or another. I think the key that opens the door to everything you want and puts you on the path you are m...
Animals Attack! 
My First Summer  (OF HORROR) Living up North
Animals Attack! My First Summer (OF HORROR) Living up North
Lisa Karen
Funny Stuff
Was it a sign from Mother Nature that I was not meant to live in northern Minnesota? I sure thought so! I grew up on a hog farm in between Faribault and Northfield. So I was surrounded by fields, with some patches of trees here and there. I loved growing up on a farm in southern Minnesota and after my first summer living up north I was ready to hea...
Before You Judge, Here's the Thing About Prince's Death
Lisa Karen
Other Coolbeans Stuff
Before you go around making an assumption that Prince was a drug addict, allow me to enlighten you about the growing problem of narcotic medications being used to treat chronic illness. First of all, I (nor you), do not know the facts surrounding his death, but it would seem that he passed away from an overdose of subscription opioid pain medicatio...
Hey, Guess What? You are God, Kinda.
Hey, Guess What? You are God, Kinda.
Lisa Karen
Personal Development
How's that for a topic! You may be wondering what on earth I am talking about. Well put your seatbelt on, we are going for a ride! What I'm about to share is probably not something you have thought of or heard before, but bear with me and keep an open mind. And no, I promise you, I have not gone wacky crackers.  Every human being is energy and...