QHHT stands for quantum healing hypnosis technique and is a way to access wisdom and insights from a higher consciousness as well as visit past lives. It can be helpful to identify root causes of physical and emotional conditions and can possibly heal ailments and chronic health issues. 

Prior to starting hypnosis we will visit so I can learn more about you, your life, what you want out of the session, and the questions you have for your higher consciousness. There is no pre-determined amount of time this takes and no time limit. This part of the process takes as long as it takes.

The hypnosis will last from one to two hours. We will explore past lives and then talk to your higher consciousness and ask the questions you want answered in your life. 

The whole experience is very enlightening and can be very profound. You will have awareness while hypnotized, so there is no need to worry about not being in control. It is a very relaxing experience. All you have to do is lay back and enjoy the process. 


Cost: $150 

Reccuring session after the initial session is $75


call or text: 218-259-1133 or email tohelpandinspire@gmail.com to make an appointment