
Poor Grades in School a Sign of Intelligence
Poor Grades in School a Sign of Intelligence
Lisa Karen
How is it possible that poor grades could occur with a student that is highly intelligent? This scenario applies to many prominent people throughout history: Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Henry Ford, Alexander Graham Bell, Leonardo DaVinci, Pablo Picasso, Steven Spielberg, Richard Branson, Ted Turner, Charles Schwab, and Whoopi Goldberg, just to ...
The Near Extinction of the Farming Fathers
The Near Extinction of the Farming Fathers
Lisa Karen
Other Coolbeans Stuff
This is one of my articles that was in the Star Tribune. I wrote it specifically to honor my Father and am grateful I was able to share it with him before he passed.  There was a time when rural country areas were inhabited by family farms. Really, a unique sub-culture that personifies true human nature and the American way. That time seems to...
An Optimists Pessimistic View of Over-Commercialized Holidays
An Optimists Pessimistic View of Over-Commercialized Holidays
Lisa Karen
Oh joy, another holiday is upon us! I know I'm suppose to be focusing on the meaning of Easter or whatever holiday it may be, but I'm to busy boiling eggs, painting eggs, buying plastic eggs and candy, stuffing plastic eggs with candy, eating some of the candy I'm stuffing in the eggs, planning an easter menu, clipping coupons, buying groceries, co...
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!
Lisa Karen
Personal Development
Thanks to all that subscribed and joined the prize give away! I will be contacting each winner individually by tomorrow night, but in the meantime, here are the winners:scarf: Marni Pscarf: Amanda WWallet: Mary GBrown knit hat: Sally Ktan hat: Jenny SWine Bag: Shauna LSubway gift card: Cari BBook: Lynn DStraw Hat: Vicky H
School Lunches...Where's the Nutrition?
School Lunches...Where's the Nutrition?
Lisa Karen
So, let me get this straight, studies indicate that when children are eating healthy foods they do better academically, are more alert, and have more energy throughout the day. If this is the case then why do the schools give children unhealthy food choices on a daily basis? This seems contradictory. When I worked as a school nurse I would often be...
Having Kids Messes You Up!
Having Kids Messes You Up!
Lisa Karen
I can vaguely recall a time when I could sneeze without wetting myself. That was before I had children. All you hear about is how wonderful having children is. Oh sure, that is true, but somehow people forget to tell you about the after effects, such as incontinence, saggy breasts, hemorrhoids, stretch marks, fatness, larger feet, weird varicose ve...
A Childs Life on the Farm
A Childs Life on the Farm
Lisa Karen
Funny Stuff
There are many dangers of growing up on a farm. Not scary dangers, mind you; fun dangers. The kind of dangers that nearly kill you, but you have more fun nearly getting killed than playing with dolls, riding bikes, and non-lethal boring things the city folk do. For instance, the time we climbed into the corn bin to jump in the corn and my brother M...
You Matter
You Matter
Lisa Karen
Personal Development
How is it possible that you do not know just how much you matter in this world. If you didn't, you would not exist. Everyone matters. There is a reason why you are here. You have a purpose. It does not have to be anything grandiose. You do not have to be famous or wealthy. You do not have to win awards, heal the sick, or rule the world. Your purpos...
What I Want Everyone to Know
What I Want Everyone to Know
Lisa Karen
Personal Development
This is a couple paragraphs from my next book. It is kind of deep. :)  You are not the you that you think you are. You are a conscious awareness observing your life. You are a soul. You are the spirit behind the brain shaping what it is you think about. You are a witness to the life you live. You observe without judgement, and love uncond...
Cloquet Craft Sale Prize Winners
Lisa Karen
Personal Development
The winners of the Subway gift cards prize giveaway are Zach H. and Jeanie G.. I will be emailing you separately as well. Congratulations!! I enjoy giving, and will be doing random prize giveaways for my loyal subscribers in the future! Stay tuned!Lisa