

Thank you to everyone that signed up for prizes at the Sawmill craft sale! The winners were Peg C., Heidi B., and Lydia T. I will be contacting the winners separately.
I love to give things away and will be having other contests in the future. Stay tuned, email subscribers will receive notice whenever there are prize giveaways!

4270 Hits

Cloquet Craft Sale Prize Winners

The winners of the Subway gift cards prize giveaway are Zach H. and Jeanie G.. I will be emailing you separately as well.
I enjoy giving, and will be doing random prize giveaways for my loyal subscribers in the future! Stay tuned!

3785 Hits

What I Want Everyone to Know

What I Want Everyone to Know

This is a couple paragraphs from my next book. It is kind of deep. :)  You are not the you that you think you are. You are a conscious awareness observing your life. You are a soul. You are the spirit behind the brain shaping what it is you think about. You are a witness to the life you live. You observe without judgement, and love uncond...

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4929 Hits

You Matter

You Matter

How is it possible that you do not know just how much you matter in this world. If you didn't, you would not exist. Everyone matters. There is a reason why you are here. You have a purpose. It does not have to be anything grandiose. You do not have to be famous or wealthy. You do not have to win awards, heal the sick, or rule the world. Your purpos...

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4531 Hits

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Thanks to all that subscribed and joined the prize give away! I will be contacting each winner individually by tomorrow night, but in the meantime, here are the winners:
scarf: Marni P
scarf: Amanda W
Wallet: Mary G
Brown knit hat: Sally K
tan hat: Jenny S
Wine Bag: Shauna L
Subway gift card: Cari B
Book: Lynn D
Straw Hat: Vicky H

3063 Hits

Hey, Guess What? You are God, Kinda.

Hey, Guess What? You are God, Kinda.

How's that for a topic! You may be wondering what on earth I am talking about. Well put your seatbelt on, we are going for a ride! What I'm about to share is probably not something you have thought of or heard before, but bear with me and keep an open mind. And no, I promise you, I have not gone wacky crackers.  Every human being is energy and...

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2217 Hits

Why You Should Love Your Beautiful Self

Why You Should Love Your Beautiful Self

I don't believe we were put on this earth to be miserable. I believe we are here to learn, grow, and find the path to experience joy. However, we often end up on a path that can be self-destructive, negative, and harmful to ourselves in one way or another. I think the key that opens the door to everything you want and puts you on the path you are m...

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3204 Hits

No Matter What, We Are Not Divided

It is ok to think differently than another. We cannot all be the same, or think the same. However, we do not have to choose to fight against one another. We do not have to be angry because someone else thinks differently, looks differently, or lives differently. You can be a Democrat and still treat a republican with respect, and vice versa. We sil...

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2311 Hits

When You Are Afraid to Follow Your Dreams

When You Are Afraid to Follow Your Dreams

As I am working on a new adventure fear keeps bringing me to the point of wanting to quit. I mean paralyzing fear, sometimes terror, and thoughts of "what on earth am I thinking…I can't do this…people will think I'm crazy". I then realized that I have two choices; I can either try and fail or succeed, or not try at all. It is much worse to not try ...

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2118 Hits

A Message to Those Who Hate

It is not ok to hate. You should have learned this simple concept by the age of five (at the least), but apparently it bares repeating. It feels like there is more hate in the world these past few years. People who have hatred towards other groups of people, feel more empowered to be more vocal about it. For those who hate, I ask you to soften your...

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1928 Hits

The First Newsletter Issue!

We are starting a newsletter focused on resources, inspiration, and help for people with Dyslexia with the intention to educate, uplift, and instill confidence!  Newsletter page 1 Newsletter page 2

3275 Hits

Doubt and Fear are Worse than Failure

Doubt and Fear are Worse than Failure

"Everything you want is on the other side of fear."Jack Canfield Everyone thinks that failure is such a horrible thing. I am here to tell you, it is not. It is actually a really great thing. First of all, we learn the most from our mistakes. There is so much growth and learning that comes from failure. I have learned that failure is just an obstacl...

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4746 Hits

When Suicide Happens Understanding Why and How it Can Happen

When Suicide Happens                                              Understanding Why and How it Can Happen

I turned 44 this September. This birthday was profound for me as I turn the same age my Mother was when she died. I feel so young, full of life, and see numerous possibilities that exist in my future. I cannot imagine dying at this age. I am blessed with physical health and mental health. My Mother was not so fortunate. She lived with Bipolar Disor...

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4169 Hits

The Playground Theory

The Playground Theory

I used to go through life thinking it was hard and wondering what the next bad thing was that was going to happen to me. When things were going really well I would be worried and wonder when something bad was going to happen.  Eventually as I grew, evolved, and learned more about personal development I realized that I create my own life. I can...

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5131 Hits